
2021 Accessible charging stations (ongoing)

At the ESCIF assembly 2021 in Nottwil the members decided to support a proposal from RTP Sweden to raise awareness that charging stations for electric cars should be accessible. The goal of the project is to develop an awareness campaign which all ESCIF members can replicate in their countries. Also a manual for the design of charging stations will be developed and made publicly available. Since eclectic cars get more and more popular in all countries and charging stations are built on a high pace it is very important to raise the issue before the infrastructure is built. First results of the working group will be presented at the ESCIF congress 2022 in Piestany.

2020 Help Alliance

At the beginning of the Corona pandemia ESCIF realized that many people with a high SCI (tetraplegic/quadriplegic) in need of daily care or assistance are in the high risk category in relation to the Corona Virus, with reduced immune system and/or respiratory issues. Soon after, ESCIF brought together several supporters and started a project supporting these people by providing more than 1 Million masks to the persons in need for free. The Help Alliance showcased what a powerful organisation ESCIF can be and that other projects to support persons with SCI should be executed.

ESCIF Help Alliance – Presentation


European Spinal Cord Injury Federation (ESCIF), together with pan-European national SCI consumer advocacy organisations, set up a multi-national project to draw upon their combined knowledge and experience to answer the following question: “What can your organisation do to facilitate the successful (re-)integration of people with spinal cord injury in the community?” This report is intended to be a tool and an inspiration to national SCI consumer advocacy organisations – to their setting up programs and activities focused on improving SCI persons’ social inclusion.

Successful (re-)Integration of People Living with Spinal Cord Injury


Project on the consequences of lifelong care and monitoring on the health of people living with SCI – or the lack of such a system! Preliminary conclusions of the group were presented at NoSCoS in Helsinki in May 2013. The work was also presented as a poster at ISCoS 2013 in Istanbul The final report was published on the ESCIF website late 2013.

2012 – 2013

A European survey into how SCI treatment centres and clinics are coping with the growing problem on multi- resistant bacteria. The study lays special focus on the consequences for the rehabilitation and monitoring of people with SCI. The results from the Nordic countries were presented at the NoSCoS meeting in May 2013. European results were presented in a poster at ISCoS 2013 in Istanbul. The final report was published on the ESCIF website late 2013.

2011 – 2013

In preparation for the ESCIF congress in 2012, ESCIF and the SCI umbrella organisation in Italy, FAIP, instigated a study into the consequences of the economic crisis on people living with SCI in Europe. The initial results of the study were presented at the ESCIF SCI consumer workshop at the ISCoS meeting in 2012. The final report was published on the ESCIF website in the spring of 2013.

2011 – 2012

Project on the quality of SCI rehabilitation and management. The ESCIF statement on the quality of SCI rehabilitation and management was presented at the ISCoS meeting in London 2012 as part of the first SCI consumer workshop to be held as part of the ISCoS scientific meeting.


ESCIF established the ESCIF SCI research group The primary goal was to set up a new section on the ESCIF website that would warn people living with SCI against advertisements for “unproven therapies” that abound on the internet, while providing relevant information about scientific research into regeneration The group presented its work at the NoSCoS meeting in 2011 and at the 2012 Interdependence meeting in Vancouver, Canada In the autumn of 2013, the group will send the first of a series of updates on regenerative research

2010 – 2012

ESCIF was invited by Coloplast to arrange and chair a workshop at the ISCoS meeting in New Delhi in 2010. Following the workshop, ESCIF took the initiative to establish a Global SCI Consumer Network. The Network was launched officially at the ISCoS meeting 2012 in London.
See for details.

2008 – 2010

Project to elaborate the policy statement: working groups on the establishment of SCI registries, the centralisation of SCI treatment, rehabilitation and care, and peer- counselling Preliminary results presented as a poster at ISCoS meeting in Florence, Italy, in October 2009 Reports from the working groups were presented at the ESCIF Congress in Lobbach in 2010 The final report on centralisation was endorsed by the Assembly of Delegates during the 2010 Congress ESCIF was invited to arrange and chair a hearing on centralisation at the NoSCoS meeting in Gothenburg, Sweden, in 2011

2007 – 2008

Formulation of ESCIF policy statement The policy statement was endorsed by the Assembly of Delegates in 2008 during the ESCIF Congress in Croatia.

2006 – 2007

Information-gathering project among ESCIF member countries Presented at NoSCoS/ISCoS meeting, Iceland, in 2007.